- space research
- космические исследования, исследования космического пространства
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
space research — kosmoso tyrimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. cosmic exploration; cosmic research; space research vok. Weltraumforschung, f rus. исследование космоса, n; космическое исследование, n pranc. exploration cosmique, f; recherche spatiale … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization — (SPARRSO) is a government controlled astronomy and space research organisation of Bangladesh.Established in 1980 as an autonomous multisectoral R D organization of the Govt. of the People s Republic of Bangladesh,it acts as the centre of… … Wikipedia
Space Research Corporation — (SRC) was a corporation founded by Gerald Bull, after the budget for his research at Project HARP for the United States and Canadian federal governments was cut in 1967, in order to commercialize the technology of long range artillery. Project… … Wikipedia
Space Research Centre — The Space Research Centre ( pl. Centrum Badań Kosmicznych) is Poland s space agency. It is a scientific institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It was established in 1976.Departments* Planetary Geodesy Department * Remote Sensing Department… … Wikipedia
Space Research Organization Netherlands — SRON Utrecht Das SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, frühere Bezeichnung bis 2004 Stichting RuimteOnderzoek Nederland ist eine niederländische Organisation zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Instrumente für den Einsatz auf Satelliten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
space research service — kosminio tyrimo radijo ryšio tarnyba statusas Aprobuotas sritis elektroniniai ryšiai apibrėžtis Radijo ryšio tarnyba moksliniams ar technologiniams tyrimams atlikti, naudojant erdvėlaivius ar kitus kosminius objektus. trumpoji forma kòsminio… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
space research service — kosminių tyrimų tarnyba statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. space research service vok. Weltraumforschungsfunkdienst, m rus. служба космических исследований, f pranc. service de recherche spatiale, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
space research — noun Any form of research that takes place in space, or concerns any aspect of space or space travel … Wiktionary
Indian Space Research Organisation — Infobox Space agency name = Indian Space Research Organisation acronym = ISRO caption = ISRO logo headquarters = Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, BANGALORE, INDIA spaceport = TERLS, SRLS, BRLS established = 15th August, 1969 chairman = G. Madhavan … Wikipedia
National Institute for Space Research — Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais Abbreviation INPE Formation April 22, 1971 Purpose/focus space research … Wikipedia
Brazilian National Institute for Space Research — The National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is a research unit of the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), whose main goals lie in fostering scientific research and technological applications and in qualifying personnel in the … Wikipedia